Unity Pro 2019.2.16f1 (x64) Patch
alphas are the first public releases of a new tech stream version of unity. during the alpha phase, were progressively adding all the new features that are scheduled to be part of the final release. at the same time, the features get tested collectively for the first time. while a tech stream version is in alpha, we release updates with new features on a weekly basis until we reach feature completeness. as such, alphas come with a higher stability risk than beta releases, which are feature-complete and receive only stabilizing updates. with both alphas and betas, you have an opportunity to influence our development process by using the new features and providing feedback via forums and bug reports.
Unity Pro 2019.2.16f1 (x64) Patch
verified packages are supported to the same extent as the unity versions that they have been verified for (see what is the tech stream and whats an lts release below for more information). this means that they will receive updates that wont introduce any breaking changes, as well as bug fixes, for at least as long as the version that they were verified for is supported. packages that have been verified to work with the last tech release of a year (e.g., 2019.3) will also remain supported in the lts version that will be based on it (e.4).
download the android ndk version required by unity from the ndk downloads web page, and then extract it to a directory. the first time you build a project for android using il2cpp, you will be asked to locate the folder where you installed the android ndk. select the root folder of your ndk installation. if you wish to change the location of the android ndk, in the unity editor, navigate to menu: unity > preferences to display the unity preferences dialog box. here, click external tools.