[P3D] V4 - TFDi 717 V1.0.9.27 Without Human Verification
Some previous investigators have performed only right hemidiaphragm ultrasound in the ICU because the acoustic window provided by the liver makes it easier to measure the parameters on this side [ 17, 21 ]. In the present study, we completed both right and left hemidiaphragm measurements without any difficulty. Nevertheless, we found that there was no significant difference between the right and left diaphragmatic parameters (Table 2 ). Therefore, measurement of the right hemidiaphragm may be more practical in clinical practice.
[P3D] V4 - TFDi 717 V1.0.9.27 Without Human Verification
As all patients in our study were adults (the ages ranged from 18 to 91 years), we did not investigate the impact of age on the ultrasound measurements. Notably, the impact of age on the ultrasound measurements could be greater in children. In fact, the respiratory system is often better developed in children, which might result in an improvement in the performance of diaphragmatic parameters. Finally, a major limitation of this study is the lack of a standard cutoff value of diaphragmatic parameters. This meant that we had to use the best cut-off values to obtain the highest sensitivity and specificity according to the ROC curves. Thus, we found that the maximal sensitivity and specificity to predict reintubation within 48 h were TFdi