Buy Hanky Panky
Hanky panky appetizers are another one of those good, old-fashioned recipes that my grandma brought out on special occasions. This combination of ground sausage, beef and Velveeta cheese on top of rye or pumpernickel bread has been one of my favorite appetizers to make.
buy hanky panky
A mix of cheese and meat atop a crispy, toasted slice of rye bread makes up what are affectionately called hanky pankies, also sometimes called a Polish mistake. They are a staple in the Midwest and beyond.
S. Rosen's Baking Company also sells cocktail rye bread, which can be purchased online here and shipped to you. For ground shipping to WCPO's office, one loaf of the bread would cost $11.85 ($2.49 for the bread + $9.36 for shipping) which makes for some very pricey hanky pankies.
Use of the hanky code spread throughout the mid 1970s. Practiced predominately by queer men in the Bondage, Discipline, and Sado-Masochism (BDSM) or leather subculture, the hanky code became part of the gay mainstream. From magazine article illustrations to book covers, images of a bandana tucked in a denim back-pocket became a visual shorthand for queer men. Additionally, terms such as hanky code and flagging (the act of participating in the hanky code) became part of the queer lexicon. As a part of queer popular culture, references to the hanky code eventually appeared in literature, film, and art. These developments not only documented the once underground phenomenon, but created a cultural record of an emerging queer masculine identity. These cultural references have continued through the decades.
A decrease in the use of the hanky code in the mid-1980s has been attributed to the curbing of anonymous sexual practices in relation to the rise of HIV/AIDS. However, hanky code flagging continued in the queer BDSM subculture, where alternative sexual activities deemed as low or no risk for infection were practiced. A sign of the times, a black and white checkered handkerchief to represent safer sex as a fetish appeared in hanky codes most likely in the early 1990s as a way to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and safer sex practices.
While previous sartorial codes signaled queerness (with later codes also signaling sexual availability), the hanky code was the first sartorial code to simultaneously communicate queer identity, sexual availability, and sexual fetishes. In the course of its 40-plus year history the hanky code contributed to representations of queer masculinity, responded to cultural shifts in the queer zeitgeist, and evolved from a covert signifier to a sartorial declaration of queer identity, visibility, and representation. 041b061a72